Plastic Free Seas – Poster Design

Each day hundreds of thousands of single use plastic straws are used briefly and discarded in Hong Kong.  These plastic straws end up in landfill, in the streets, on our beaches and in the sea. For most people, and for most drinks they are completely unnecessary. We use them because of habit. We are given them because of habit. But we have a choice – we can say no to plastic straws! We can USE LESS and WASTE LESS. We need more restaurants to stop automatically giving out plastic straws with drinks, to help break the habit. If people really need a straw they can ask for one. It is simple and effective, saves money and resources. In this campaign Crystal Jane @ Cranes Media illustrated her character The Space Baby to express the anti-plastic straw movement in this campaign.

Cranes Media的創作總監Crystal Jane為無塑海洋設計了海報。她設計的人物 The space baby和海龜拿著飲管在海中游泳,宣揚減少使用及派發塑膠飲管的信息。