Pop-up Store at PMQ for the 2nd HK-SZ Design Biennale

  • Interior Design
  • 02 Dec 2016
  • HK-SZ Design Biennale

The Pop-up Store at PMQ for 2nd Hong Kong-Shenzhen Design Biennale is located in PMQ, Hong Kong, which is listed as a Grade III historic building since 2010.

The client, Hong Kong Federation of Design Associations, requested that more than 80 creative products could be stationed in a 40 s.q.m. unit during the 2-month biennale programme. Around half the products are in the fashion and household product design sectors with the rest in creative design categories such as fashion accessories and furniture.

We used the local materials commonly found in Hong Kong: steel rod and neon sign. Both materials, the symbol of development-in-progress in the modern era and the nostalgic symbol of fast-disappearing urban fixtures respectively, were used as the main elements to form this pop-up store: a store for both Hong Kong & Shenzhen designers to showcase their co-create products in the industrial, fashion and other disciplines in favour of the advancement of the design industry and sustainable development of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, as advocated by the concept of “Design Twin Cities”.