WWF 2016 Hong Kong’s Ecological Footprint Report Design

WWF 2016 Hong Kong’s Ecological Footprint Report Design

Residents on Earth are running out of resources. If everyone in the world live the lifestyle Hong Kongers lead, we would need 3.9 Earths to sustain our prodigal lifestyle.

We are pleased to collaborate with WWF again and disseminate this important piece of information in our beloved Hong Kong, in our beloved planet. Not only text and graphics tell stories. Forms as well.

Therefore we intentionally designed the leaflet as a foldable Earth with 4 Earths (3.9 to be more precise) inside when opened. The form of the leaflet itself is a representation of 3.9 Earths. Together with comprehensible infographics and text, we hope audiences could catch the urgent call from our planet in minutes of time and hence take action to cut down consumption little by little.